I think I’m sick.

I don’t have man-‘flu or anything that gets ‘that look’ from my wife.

I do have a reoccurrence of my sore iliosacaral joint that means that I’ll be back in the physio in the next week or so to lie on my back in my underpants and try to make small talk about the Euro crisis.

This pain in the arse/back has cut the running back a bit but this is the ‘off-season’ for me so I’m not too worried.  It always responds to a bit of physio and a new pair of shoes so once I get over my ‘I can cure this by running until I can’t walk’ strategy it will come good.

No, my sickness goes deeper than that.

I was wandering through M&S this morning after coffee and I saw this:

Running is an illness

Now, if you like shortbread and the idea of a half-price box fills you with excitement then I can tell you that that is not the cause of my sickness.

No, I saw the box and in the middle of the shop I had the urge to run around up a mountain. Or down by a river. And preferably in Scotland.

That isn’t normal by any stretch is it?

These days my lunch breaks are filled with web-surfing and 2012 calendars and mentally drafting permission slips to get out to go running in Scotland. As I type this post I have a camelbak website open, a trail running shoe website open and two Scottish race sites open.

Whatever I have, I have it bad and I don’t know how to get over it.

I think part of it is that the Glen Ogle 33 (Glen Ogle is the anglicised equivalent of the Valley of Dread) race is on this Saturday and I was about to enter it last week only I had left it too late so now I am like the kid who won’t be at the school disco.

I’ll be at home. Studying

6 responses to “I think I’m sick.

  1. So how about those Greeks?!

  2. It only works if you’re leaning into my ass and panting. Only then can I give you a clear answer.

  3. You’re obviously at work, unlike me, who’s at home, because like me you’d have a few more interesting websites open….

    I’ll get Lee to update you via twitter on the progress of the GO33. I’ll ask her to focus on pain, cold, hunger etc etc….

    Meanwhile entries are open for the WHW…

    G’wan, g’wan…

  4. See you in June then….

  5. WHW is calling you, come and join your Celtic brethren on this side of the water, just think of it as a long weekend sightseeing tour

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