Urban art

Graffiti……… urban art ……….the choice of moniker is yours and a combination of perspective, attitude, aesthetics and age probably determine your choice.

The running is a case of two steps forward and one step back at the moment. The pains appear and disappear like the mole in the fairground whack-a-mole game so I’m having to focus on the humility of injury so I don’t go off on an ill time 20 miler and end up sliding down the snake.

These images were taken while out running so there is some link (however tenuous).

This post was also typed out on a phone (hence the brevity).

3 responses to “Urban art

  1. Yes, that’s art. I’m going to buy Thomas a phone for tapping out his race reports.

    Love whack-a-mole! The one at Funland is whack-a-shark. Great for hand-eye coordination and getting rid of aggression.

  2. Ewen, I once wrote a massive race report on my mobile phone. I’ll take your gift anyway, though.

    If all graffiti were of that quality, I don’t think anyone would mind. Problem is, by far the most of it is appallingly bad.

  3. Why do I believe that?

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